Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Bingel 500

A few years ago we were in a couples bible study and one of the couples had recently had their first child. They were very financially limited but had unlimited faith. It was hard for them to afford even the basics for their little girl such as diapers, etc. As our bible study came to a close one night and we all were saying our "good-byes" we opened the door to leave and found a large package filled with diapers and $200 in cash. No note, no recipient listed. We were all floored, shocked, and quickly on the brink of tears. The Lord provided at just the right time and in such a huge way. I often have thought of that moment to remind me of the Lord's faithfulness and goodness.

And now, as of last Thursday, I have a story of our own - a testimony, really, of the Lord's gracious and abundant generosity. This month has been a bit "tighter" for us as I was not able to work for almost 3 weeks. With school loans, children, my car having troubles (again) and the rest of the expense list, things were tight. We opened our mail to find an envelope, addressed to us, no return address and inside was 2 very amazing gifts. The first was a single sheet of computer paper with 3 verses on it: James 1:17, Psalm 84:11-12, and Matthew 5:5 - verses that are incredibly humbling.

The second gift was a check....a check worth $500. 6 days later and it still brings tears to my eyes. I'm still processing it all - the Lord's goodness despite my total lack of goodness, someone's faithfulness to the Lord and the body of Christ despite my lack of faithfulness. It is all humbling beyond words. We have no idea who was so generous but we thank you, whoever you are.  You probably aren't reading this but we yet I am compelled to express our deepest gratitude. Your generosity and love has spurred us on towards more love and good deeds; it has instilled in us a greater desire to bless someone else, even if it stretches our pocketbook.

As a result, we have come up with the phrase, "The Bingel 500". Whenever we are doubting the Lord's faithfulness or a financial burden arises, we will remind each other of "The Bingel 500" - reminding us that the Lord is never early or late, He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, and He is an abundant giver.

The Lord is not a bare-minimum giver. He is an abundant overflowing giver. Trust in the Lord and store your treasures in heaven and He will bless you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you....to you, Lord and to you, our dear sister or brother in Christ! We love you.

John 10:10-11 Jesus is speaking and declares, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd."

He is good and He gives abundantly.

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