Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Walk the talk

We have a phrase in our home that we repeat to our 3 year old often regarding obeying: Right away, all the way, with a happy heart. We try to make it fun and have him say it with us. While he doesn't get all 3 parts of that yet, he will someday. And while it may be idealistic to expect that of him now, the principles, nonetheless, are encouraged and commanded by the Lord. We are teaching him according to what the Lord asks of all of us. When I tell my 3 year old to put away his Legos, he believes that means putting away a few of them over the course of 10 minutes and whining along the way. I explain to him, hopefully gently, that I mean for him to put all, yes all 72 of them, away right then and do it without complaining or whining. Each time I say our little chant, its impossible for me not to be convicted myself. How can I ask my 3 yr old to do something without making sure I am doing the same?
When the Lord asks me to respect my husband, he does not mean for me to "spread" my respect out over a long period of time, respecting him when I feel like it, to respect him sometimes and tear him down others, and to "whine" along the way. No, He expects me to show my husband respect right away, yes, even in that very difficult heated discussion and to fully respect him (not allowing unwholesome talk come out of my mouth). He expects me to respect my husband while having a pure heart. That may not mean that its easy to respect him or even that I'm excited to. But its what the Lord commands and He asks for and expects my willing and joyful obedience. Right away, all the way, with a happy heart.

I'm continually reminded of James 1:22, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." I have read that verse many times but it wasn't until a few months ago that the last 4 words especially jumped off the page for me. "Do what it says." Do it! Just do it! The Lord could not be more direct. He reminded me that when we read the word and read his commands, commands like love others, forgive others, be joyful, etc. and do not love all others, forgive others, are bitter, etc. we are deceiving ourselves!

At times it seems idealistic, just like asking a 3 yr old, to obey the Lord right away, all the way, and with a happy heart. But, we can take heart and be confident that because that is in the Lord's will, he will do it in us! (1 John 5:14-15). I love it that the Lord doesn't ask anything of us that He won't supply the power and strength to do. (Colossians 1:11).

So, may we all walk one step at a time today singing to ourselves, "Right away, all the way, with a happy heart" and then just do it!

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