Thursday, January 13, 2011

Borders, designs, and not enough time

Years ago I remember sharing with my mom that I just didn't get blogs. A) Why would someone spend what little free time they probably have reading about someone else's life? and B) Why would someone want to write about their life? Well, here I am, doing just that. Its not that I expect anyone to really read this - in fact, that's not why I decided to finally make a blog. I'm writing purely because in a way its therapeutic for me - it helps me take the jumbled mess of thoughts in my head and make some sense of it on paper (or screen). While I don't know who would want to read this jumbled mess, I pray that it may encourage those who do read, or at least bring a smile. I pray as in the book of Hebrews that my words would spur others on towards love and good deeds. I pray that what I write will be a sweet aroma to the Lord and that He will use it to both sift and refine that which is in me and if I may be so privileged, that He would use it to sift and refine others.

To be honest, I tried doing this blog thing months ago, but I didn't get my major in computer tech or graphic design so after an hour of searching online I was overwhelmed and gave up. This morning as my oldest is at preschool and my 5 month old slept away, I decided to once again take on this daunting cyber challenge of creating a blog. After about an hour of trying out different templates and headers, etc. I sensed the Lord asking me why again I was doing a blog? Isn't this really about His glory and not if I have some cute savvy-looking blog? And since when do I have an hour to surf the web? So, bear with me please as I learn the art of blogging while hopefully remembering that this is all for Him. 

Here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Love it and love you! Can't wait to read and feel closer to you over the distance.
