Sunday, January 16, 2011


So what's up with the initials d.w.m.? Well, each day as I come before the Lord, I have a habit of writing down the priorities in my life. I write them down as a reminder to myself, as a renewal to the Lord, and as a list of how to pray the rest of the day. Months back I noticed that by the end of the day, no, really by the end of the morning usually all those priorities had been mixed around and some even dropped off my radar. I started writing d.w.m. on my hand to remind me throughout the day - remind me of my roles and in which order they are SUPPOSED to be in.

"d" - first and foremost, I am a daughter of the Lord - purely by the grace of Him. My sole purpose is as written in the Westminster Catechism: "A man's (or woman's) chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever." How quickly I forget or more accurately ignore this truth but it is the truth. I was not created to do my thing, enjoy my life, pursue my desires and my glory. No, I was created for  HIS glory. And if we pursue that, we pursue Him and the things that He cares about, we will also enjoy him. Do YOU enjoy God? Do YOU enjoy your Creator? I don't, not like I should. Enjoy Him right now, this day. Get to know Him, glorify Him by following hard after Him, and you will enjoy Him.

"w" - April 22nd, 2006 I made many vows to a wonderful man, vows to not only marry him but love him, honor him, respect him, serve him, submit to him. I am his wife - a role that I sadly don't take seriously enough most days. I desire to be a wife of noble character as described in Proverbs 31. I desire to love this man with all my heart. But again, the order of d.w.m. is crucial. In Proverbs 31:30 it says "a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." How did she do it? How did that woman have such a noble character? Probably because she knew and lived like she was first a daughter of the Lord, she feared her Creator, set him apart as Lord. She had "d.w.m." ingrained in her very being.

"m" - Most days, "d.w.m" feels like "diapers, wipes, and more" but I truly am blessed and thankful to be a mommy. What a humbling and extremely rewarding responsibility! The Lord has entrusted 2 wonderful little boys to me and I am daily learning, usually by mistakes, how to be a godly mommy - how to love them, lead them, teach them, and most importantly show Jesus to them.

In all honesty, most days, while d.w.m. may be written in that order on my hand, I find myself living m.w.d. Sometimes, the "d" was left back with my journal and bible. Sometimes, I've put the "w" away until 5:15 pm when my husband comes home. And the "m" has overtaken me. I forgot that I can't be a good "m" when I'm not clinging like velcro to the Lord. I forgot that being a good "w" is done in both the presence and absence of my husband.

So for anyone who may read this, look at your roles, the roles God has given you. Be honest about what order those roles have become in your life and decide to put them back in their rightful order. Write them on your hand like me if you find that helps. But, more importantly, write them on your heart and commit them and yourself to the Lord and His glory and....get ready to enjoy Him and what He has for you.

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