Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 3 of 40

It was a bit harder this morning to pull myself up off the mattress but I finally did it. Its funny how in the moment, a five or ten minute snooze seems so necessary and yet, once I'm out of bed, I realize how insignificant that 5 or 10 minutes of sleep would be compared to 5 or 10 minutes in the living Word of God. I'm seeing that Pumpkin has an internal alarm clock set to 7:30 so I better be up and out by 7 if I want my quiet time. During Miss O's breakfast, I was able to pray for my children and my friends. Right now, two of my girlfriends and I are dedicating Friday mornings to pray for our children. 
Today's prayer for our kids: Godly friends and spouses someday
I'm thankful its all in the Lord's hand but how I pray that my children will guard their hearts, will have friendships with others who will encourage them and challenge them to be better people and followers of Christ, and to perhaps someday have Godly husbands or wives. 

Fridays are "chore day" so Noah picked up his room and helped me dust.
The boys had fun playing with their new water table...
I was so easily pulled to do other things, clean, laundry, tidy, etc. but I made sure to sit there for 10 minutes while we played pirates and shark chase. I had to let go of the water on the floor that of course was going outside of the towels laid down. I prayed that at the end of 40 days, I won't have to force myself to stop and play for 10 minutes but that instead, I would look forward to those moments without feeling pulled to other much less important things.

As my 40 days are quickly elapsing, so are my 29 days of exercise....which was enough motivation for me on this Friday night.
Oh yeah, Chalene and Turbo Jam! I definitely didn't finish the 45 minute workout but 20 minutes was good enough! 
Off to spend time with Mr. of my favorite times of the day. Pray that tomorrow I'll have the self-discipline provided by the Lord to get myself out of bed early on a SATURDAY morning!

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