Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 6 of 40

Have you ever noticed that when you commit to doing something it seems like extra things come up, the uncommon becomes more common, and you feel like someone is specifically trying to stop your efforts? In my case, the enemy probably is that someone, trying to stop efforts of fruit production for the Lord's kingdom. Miss O was up twice last night and Pumpkin climbed into bed with me before my alarm even went off. Yikes. Thankfully, Pumpkin fell back asleep and I slept a few minutes past my alarm. I did have a few sweet quiet minutes in my brown chair before all were up and ready to go. A few minutes but certainly not enough. No, my mind really wasn't renewed. I wasn't surrendered and ready to cling to the Lord all day. Its almost as if when I wake up in the morning I am covered with yucky sinful goop (yes, goop...in other words, myself and selfishness). If I don't purpose to have the Lord scrub that off each morning, I'm dragged down by it all day and sinful choices and actions result.

I did enjoy my children though more today. Thanks to a freezer meal, the last hour of the day before Mr. B got home (my least favorite hour), I was able to just play in Pumpkin's room with him and Taz. We spent some time outside this evening as well. How refreshing to just inhale the cool breeze!

6 days down, 34 to go!

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