Sunday, March 4, 2012

day 10, 11 and 12 (in a nutshell!)

Recapping the weekend (and this will be short as I so much want to cuddle up with my hubs and finish watching Walk the Line)...

Friday - a very hard day. Whose fault? My own! Did I cling to truth, choose to be thankful, exercise self-control of my anger and frustration? Nope. Looking back, I am so thankful for that day because you know what? We all survived that day, we didn't have a tornado rip through our home or rip one of my children out of my own hands. No. I have so many reasons to be thankful and yet I whined the whole day. I did start that morning off well thanks to a dear friend of mine who sent me some tea for a morning such as that.

There wasn't much focusing on my part but the tea sure was good! The day ended well with me and the boys playing "nest" which consisted of piling up all the pillows and blankets in my bedroom and then jumping on them and acting like birds on a nest. :) Yes, only the creativity and imagination of little kids can come up with that. 
Saturday - 180 degree difference from Friday! Mr. B let me get out in the morning and I was by myself for 2 and a half hours! A date with the Lord at Panera and then some grocery shopping. We enjoyed a nice fire in the evening, a trip to the library as a family, a nap for everyone and fun cooking with Mr. B. Here are some pics from our fun family day! Oh yeah, and I actually worked out! I didn't want to at all, I was already in my pajamas...but then I thought of how I need to get in 29 days of 40 so I asked the Lord for some self-discipline and turbo jammed it up!

Sunday (today) - up at 7 but my brain took another 2 hours to wake up. We finally were able to go to church as a family. Did I work out? Not today. Did I enjoy my children and spend good quality time with them? Not very much. Mr. B did. He had a reading party with them in Pumpkin's closet while I sat by the fire and read and soaked up the quiet. I think though that that is what I that tomorrow I can be a better mommy. Well, by the Lord's grace, we'll see how tomorrow goes!

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