Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 14, 15 and 16

Short and sweet is what this will be...partly due to lack of time and partly due to lack of memory. The last three days have been on the harder side - harder to wake up, harder to control my anger, harder to just stop, trust the Lord, enjoy my children, etc. etc. They haven't been the best days. There have been sweet moments though. There have been times when I enjoyed them, but not like I want to, not like I should. This evening I worked out but in all honesty, what good is a body in shape when my mind and heart is not in shape at all? Whoever reads this, I covet your prayers for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a "fried Friday"....I'm fried by the time Fridays come. But I want to finish the week out strong, for His glory.

I want to commune with Him all day.
I want to enjoy my children.
I want to die to self, to my structure, to my expectations.
I want to choose to be thankful, choose to enjoy, choose to rest, choose to love.

Here's to a new day and the Lord's fresh grace and mercy for each new day!

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