Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25....YIKES!

Yes, "Yikes!" is exactly what I said when I realized how long it had been since I blogged. It was a busy week. A good week, a beautiful week but a busy week nonetheless. I wish I could say getting up at 7 am every day is getting easier but its really not. Maybe on some level or on some days but others - not so much. One morning this week I was so tired that I came out, sat on my chair, light on and bible in hand. I mustered up all the energy I had and prayed a few sleepy words to the Lord. I tried to focus, I tried to keep my eyelids from constantly drooping but it was hard. I finally "asked" the Lord if it was okay to go back to bed....and I definitely didn't feel a "no". I welcomed the extra 20 minutes of sleep before Pumpkin came to wake me up.
I started Beth Moore's James study and am loving the structure to what was becoming very loose and often distracting times with the Lord each morning. I appreciate Beth Moore's passion and love for the Word of God and I look forward to learning more about James as a person, Jesus as my savior, and the book in general.

Exercising...well, I asked Kyle after my last post, how many more exercises I needed to do to fulfill my goal of 29 days of exercising. It turns out that I had the exact amount left as the number of days left of 40. Ooops! So, I resolved that I was not going to quit but instead push forward and still try and accomplish my goal of 29 days of exercising. Its been hard this week, like four nights ago when it was 10:30 and I would have rather been in bed than on my bedroom floor doing an ab workout. Or, like tonight when I wanted to run for only 5 minutes and pushed it for another 10. Not much but after a long day of running it was all I could do.

I've so much enjoyed Taz this week. I feel like he is finally back to how he was before getting the ongoing ear infection that led to his diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. I feel like I finally have my goofy sweet little boy back. Thank you Jesus. What a blessing. I've really enjoyed Pumpkin too. I still can't believe he is almost 4. Today, just him and I ran errands and we had so much fun. Holding hands, having conversations, laughing and joking around. And, finally, Miss O...she has been so sweet. Giggling, wearing summer pinks, putting on her first pair of shorts ever, going on a run with her tonight. Thank you God for all of them. And, most of all, for Mr. B...who watched all three this morning, including Taz who was again throwing up, so I could get my nails done with a friend. What a wonderful servant husband!

Hopefully I can chronicle a little bit better this week. 15 days left!

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